Education, Skills, Training & Research Organisations

This section outlines good practice for education, skills, training and research organisations. What you can do, in particular on a practical operational level, depends on where you operate and work from, where your activities take place. For sector support bodies this will most likely be a mix of some of the following:

  • office(s), building(s) or facilities which you manage
  • office(s), building(s) or facilities by others e.g. landlord, local authority, higher education body
  • events you run at external venues or locations
  • digital content which you develop, store and provide access to directly or developed and provided via a third party
  • home working

Practical Operational Action


understand and reduce energy use and move to low or zero carbon energy sources (for buildings and events), promote good energy practice for homeworking

Travel & Transport

promote low or zero carbon options for business travel, staff commuting and participant travel to events, move to low or zero emission transport vehicles or services

Food & Drink

for on-site and event catering - provide mainly plant-based food, avoid single-use serve ware and food waste

Digital & Technology

choose digital service providers who offer renewably powered hosting or cloud services or energy efficient digital design, keep and use devices for longer

Materials & Waste

avoid and reduce waste, chemicals and single use plastics, choose sustainable materials which can be reused or recycled and suppliers with strong environmental credentials

Nature & Water

conserve water, make more space for nature, minimise air, noise, water and light pollution

Planet Placement

  • Communicate your environmental commitment and action with key people and groups e.g. staff, the organisations and people to whom you provide your services, peers, funders
  • Provide staff with opportunities for environmental training and learning
  • Engage with the organisations and people to whom you provide your services on what they can do to take positive environmental action
  • Develop an environmental strand across your education, training, skills and research activities
  • Bring stories and examples which showcase the diversity of perspectives, solutions and voices in the climate, nature and justice crisis into your work

Pushing for Wider Change

  • Work with those who manage the spaces you use, hire or rent to find out what environmental action they are taking and how you can work together e.g. as a tenant, as an event organiser
  • Make your money matter by switching to banks, insurance companies and pension funds with ethical investment policies and which do not invest in fossil fuels
  • Develop sponsorships and partnerships with organisations with strong environmental credentials and which do not invest in fossil fuels
  • Get involved in local or community environmental initiatives
  • Share good practice and collaborate with your peers and others in the screen sector
  • Provide inclusive and accessible spaces for dialogue, debate and reflection

Education, Skills, Training & Research Organisations

Resources & Examples

Mustard Studio - Screen Story

Related "Getting Started" Resources & Examples

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Related "Actions" Resources & Examples

Image of a tree lined street in autumn
Nature in your Neighbourhoods
Students on set shooting a film in a blue hue
Screen Education Edinburgh - Edinburgh 2050
Image Credits — Julie's Bicycle